
An outdoor kitchen is more than just a place to cook - it is the centerpiece of your outdoor area. When selecting the materials for your ideal outdoor kitchen, all aspects should be carefully considered. From texture and appearance to durability and functionality, every element plays an important role. Be inspired by our variety of high-quality materials, including natural stone, wood, and other innovative options that will make your outdoor kitchen a unique masterpiece. We invite you to visit our showrooms, where you can experience and test the materials first-hand. We are happy to help you design your dream outdoor kitchen and make your kitchen dreams come true!


Ceramic is a very resilient, low-maintenance alternative to natural stone. It consists of 100 percent natural raw materials. The material is a mixture of clay, feldspar, and quartz sand and is sintered at temperatures above a thousand degrees. State-of-the-art manufacturing processes create a very homogeneous and hard material. The surface is very dense, impermeable to water, and absolutely food-safe.

Storm Gris

Stone Gris matte

Stone Noir matte


Sofia Cuprum

Pietra di Savoia Perla

Pietra di Savoia Grigia

Pietra di Piombo

Pietra di Luna

Pacific Gris

Basalt Black

Magma Grey

New York

Jasper Moka

Iseo Gris

Iron Moss

Iron Grey

Ice Super Blanco

Grafite Stone

Silk Negro

Carrara Velvet


Boreal Piedra

Basalt Grey


Charming Amber

Amazonico Slate

Layla Slate

Mont Blanc Silk

Pacific Blanco Plus


The history of ceramics dates back to the beginnings of human civilization. Over 26,000 years ago, our ancestors formed the first vessels from clay and discovered the transformative power of fire. What began in primitive fire pits evolved over millennia into a highly specialized craft. The ancient Egyptians perfected glazing techniques, while the Chinese created legendary porcelain – so precious that it was traded as "white gold."

Today, modern ceramics combine this ancient knowledge with innovative technology. The material is a mixture of clay, feldspar, and quartz sand – all raw materials created by nature over millions of years. In state-of-the-art production facilities, this mixture is sintered at temperatures exceeding a thousand degrees. During this process, the components fuse into an extraordinarily robust material that simultaneously captivates with its elegant aesthetics.

These special properties make ceramics the ideal material for outdoor kitchens: The surface is not only extremely resistant and easy to maintain but also completely food-safe. Neither acids nor aggressive cleaning agents can harm it. Even intense UV radiation or extreme temperature fluctuations affect neither color nor structure. Modern ceramics offer a fascinating variety of designs – from authentic natural stone looks to innovative surface structures.

These special properties make ceramics the ideal material for outdoor kitchens: The surface is not only extremely resistant and easy to maintain but also completely food-safe. Neither acids nor aggressive cleaning agents can harm it. Even intense UV radiation or extreme temperature fluctuations affect neither color nor structure. Modern ceramics offer a fascinating variety of designs – from authentic natural stone looks to innovative surface structures.


Thermam ash (oiled)

Thermal modification of wood permanently improves the essential properties throughout the entire cross-section. Therefore, it is the ecological alternative to tropical wood and wood with chemical modification. Thermally modified ash is weather-resistant, dimensionally stable, and food-safe.

used in the following products


As one of humanity's oldest building materials, wood tells a story that is closely interwoven with our own development. Particularly solid, thermally treated ash from local cultivation embodies perfect sustainability. In its thermally modified form, it is considered the most noble among treated woods – a premium material that combines tradition with innovation.

The thermal treatment gives the wood extraordinary properties: The surface maintains its high-quality appearance even after years of outdoor use and develops hardly any patina. This special refinement process also causes the wood to lose weight and prevents it from warping – it no longer "works." These special properties make thermally treated ash the ideal material for sophisticated outdoor kitchens.

The conscious decision to use local ash, as also made by Nadine Pollex and Michael Schmidt for their collections, represents sustainability and regional value creation. The solid wood impresses not only through its technical properties but also through its natural beauty and timeless elegance. It creates a warm, inviting atmosphere while meeting the highest standards of functionality and durability.


We collaborate with one of the leading specialists for natural stone worktops. Together, we select natural stones that are suitable for bbqube and OCQ. Each processed type is tested in our own laboratory and evaluated according to its specific properties to meet our strict quality guidelines.

Pannonia Grün patinato

Nero San Marcos – Granit

Steel Grey – Granit

Viscont White – Granit

Beola Nera – Quarzit

Tropical Storm – Quarzit

Silver Paradiso – Granit

Nero Marinace- Granit

Nero Assoluto – Granit

Negresco – Quarzit

Grafite Brown – Kalkstein

Black Musk – Granit

Breccia Imperiale – Granit


Naturstein erzählt die Geschichte unseres Planeten – entstanden in einem jahrmillionenlangen Prozess unter enormem Druck und Hitze im Inneren der Erde. Von vulkanischen Gesteinen wie Granit bis zu metamorphen Gesteinen wie Marmor – jede Art bringt ihre eigenen, charakteristischen Eigenschaften mit sich. Diese Vielfalt macht jeden Stein zu einem unverwechselbaren Unikat.

In Zusammenarbeit mit einem der führenden Spezialisten für Arbeitsplatten werden die Natursteine sorgfältig für die Outdoor-Küche ausgewählt. Jede Steinsorte durchläuft dabei eine intensive Qualitätsprüfung im hauseigenen Labor, wo ihre spezifischen Eigenschaften analysiert und bewertet werden. Nur Materialien, die den strengen Qualitätsrichtlinien entsprechen, finden den Weg in die Kollektion.

Die besonderen Eigenschaften von Naturstein kommen in der Outdoor-Küche voll zur Geltung: Das Material ist hitzebeständig, kratzfest und bei richtiger Pflege praktisch unverwüstlich. Moderne Imprägnierungen schützen dabei vor dem Eindringen von Flüssigkeiten, während die natürliche Kühle des Materials gerade an heißen Sommertagen beim Zubereiten von Speisen geschätzt wird. Zeitlose Eleganz verbindet sich hier mit höchster Funktionalität.


HPL is an ecologically safe and modern high-pressure laminate that consists mainly of natural fibers. It is extremely durable, resistant, waterproof, and insensitive to sun, rain, and frost. Additionally, it is hygienic and easy to clean.

used in the following products

Tribeca Zinc

Athens White diffuse

Iceland Grey diffuse

Chester Cement

Chester Anthracite

Brooklyn Luna

Bilbao Tierra

Bilbao Sombra

Bilbao Selva

Crafted White

India Brown

Italian Greige

London Grey

Italian Slate

Lumen Metallics China Gold

Natural Graphite

Lumen Metallics Roman Bronze

Lumen Metallics Siberian Platinum

Metropolis Black matt

Natural Belgian Bluestobe

Natural Chalkstone

Standard White

New York Grey

Standard Grey

Natural Silver Quartzite


Die Geschichte moderner Materialentwicklung zeigt eindrucksvoll, wie aus natürlichen Ressourcen Hightech-Werkstoffe entstehen können. HPL (High Pressure Laminate) verkörpert diese Evolution perfekt: Ein ökologisch unbedenklicher Hochdruck-Schichtstoff, der überwiegend aus Naturfasern besteht und dabei Eigenschaften bietet, die in der Outdoor-Küche neue Maßstäbe setzen.

In einem ausgefeilten Produktionsprozess werden die natürlichen Fasern unter extremem Druck und Hitze zu einem äußerst robusten Material verdichtet. Das Ergebnis ist beeindruckend: Eine Oberfläche, die nicht nur extrem langlebig und widerstandsfähig ist, sondern auch Wind und Wetter souverän trotzt. Weder Sonne noch Regen oder Frost können dem Material etwas anhaben.

Besonders in der Outdoor-Küche zeigt HPL seine Stärken: Die wasserfeste Oberfläche ist hygienisch einwandfrei und lässt sich mühelos reinigen. Dabei verbindet das Material zeitgemäßes Design mit nachhaltiger Funktionalität. Die Vielfalt an Dekoren ermöglicht eine individuelle Gestaltung, während die technischen Eigenschaften höchste Ansprüche an Beständigkeit und Pflegeleichtigkeit erfüllen.

Questions or advice? Contact us!

Do you want to learn more about our products or do you have specific questions? Our customer service is happy to assist you!